

Perit Daniel Muscat

B.E. & A. (Hons), A. & C.E.

Architect & Civil Engineer


Perit Daniel Muscat graduated from the University of Malta in 2008 after following a course leading to a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Civil Engineering.  The following year he attained his warrant to practice as a Perit.

His experience of over ten years employed with a number of architectural firms enabled him to be involved in several high quality projects. His role in these developments encompassed architectural design, structural design, site supervision and certification of works.

Over the years, he has a gained the trust of a number of clients and is now established as a freelance architect with a reputation for:

  • providing a high quality and professional service
  • elegant designs, often characterised by curvature
  • attention to detail and building practices which are being lost with time
  • ability to meet established deadlines
  • creating cost-efficient and practical structural designs

Perit Muscat has also lectured for a number of years at the Institute of Engineering & Transport, Building & Construction, MCAST Campus, on subjects dealing with construction technology, structural design and energy efficiency.


Architectural Design

Comprehensive designs take into consideration not only the functionality of the property, but also attention to other details such as energy efficiency, practical furniture layouts, soffit and lighting design which make the project complete

Structural Design

Cost-efficient and practical solutions are strived for

Structural design is discussed with the contractor from the very beginning so as to provide the most effective and quick solution to the works required

Site Supervision

Strong knowledge and practical experience in construction site issues and procedures

Ability to coordinate with established contractors and also the most modest of builders

Site Surveys

Surveys of existing buildings are made with care and attention to detail, with the work being double checked to ensure accuracy

Such surveys are generally part of a Planning Authority permit process or commissioned by clients wishing to buy or sell their property

Planning Authority Permit Applications

Applications for planning consent are prepared in a thorough and efficient manner according to local policies and established deadlines so as to obtain approval in the shortest time possible

Rehabilitation and alterations to existing buildings

From simple refurbishments and alterations, to more major interventions and extensions, such projects are carried out with sensitivity to the existing architecture and structure


Valuations for bank purposes to enable client to obtain a loan for buying a property

Estimates of project costs and feasibility, taking into account the potential redevelopment and associated costs, and the income envisaged from sales

Valuations, land registry plans and eight schedule documents for notarial purposes

Reports for court purposes

Condition surveys and other documentation as required by the Building Regulations Office

Energy Performance Certificates

Quick and efficient service and ability to meet tight deadlines


These can range from simple visuals to more detailed artistic impressions and photomontages, which enable the client to understand better the proposed design